August 9, 2022: Back to Civilization

August 9, 2022: Back to Civilization

Our return boat was scheduled to leave Stehekin at 12:30PM but we had to be on the 9 AM bus back “to town”. No problem, as there were a few things to see/do at the ferry landing that we had not experienced upon our arrival two days ago.

Another great breakfast started the day, where I opted, not for the featured egg casserole but asked for an omelet with “the works”. OMG, when delivered it was huge! Luckily Yvonne, who tried a bit of the casserole, said she would help. It was fresh, hot, loaded with fresh vegetables and cooked perfectly. That, and a warm biscuit (with butter & honey) made for a marvelous meal.

Knowing that the bus would make the obligatory stop at the Bakery Yvonne suggested we buy some cinnamon rolls to take to the Lake Chelan cabin for tomorrow’s breakfast-an excellent idea. Upon stopping I hurried in and ordered four of the giant cinnamon rolls to go. And as long as I was there I added two of the sticky buns for good measure, and if our boat broke down we would not starve! Then we made the obligatory stop at The Garden and this time I did tour it as I wanted to buy some of his homemade goat cheese to have as an appetizer once we returned to Lake Chelan.

Once we arrived at the ferry landing (about 10:15AM), to await our boat, we anticipated we would visit the local museum, now housed in the old hotel, do a bit of shopping in the two shops selling local artists’ goods and have a bit of lunch at the local eatery. What we did not know  was: A.  The museum did not open until 12 noon and B.  The restaurant was closed on Tuesday. Shopping was brief and to pass the time until our boat arrived we opted to simply eat some of our survival food, the famous cinnamon rolls!

Our ride back was with the other boat company, The Chelan Boat Company, whose claim to fame is that it dates back to 1889.  Its most famous boat is called “the Lady of the Lake”. The company was bought by another member of the Courtney family, Reed Courtney, and a partner in 2019. We will be riding on one of their smaller boats, “The Lady Express”, is licensed to carry up to 145 passengers. By the time we left the boat was at near capacity. We ventured to the upper deck (for better viewing) and found that the seating was not as nice as on the Sunny Jo; these were simply folding chairs. Oh well, it will do. The ride was smooth and I think most of us managed to doze a bit during the two hour trip back to Field’s Point where our cars awaited us.

Ten minutes later we were at the summer home of Jim & Judy Jensen, located on the shores of Lake Chelan. It would be a disservice calling their home a lake cabin as it is a beautiful authentic log cabin built by Jim & Judy in the 1970s. We were met by Chrissy Jensen, the wife of Lance Jensen, one of the three Jensen sons, who had prepared hors d’oeuvres, cold drinks and dinner for us. Our decadent life style continued for at least another day!

Tomorrow the agenda calls for some local sightseeing and wine tasting, as the Lake Chelan area has become one of the latest hot spots for vineyards and wineries.

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