July 21, 2024: Retracing Our Steps and a Fun Food Tour!

July 21, 2024: Retracing Our Steps and a Fun Food Tour!

Our Mongolian tour was over. We had traveled almost 1,100 miles and yet only saw a small portion of this beautiful country.

We were on an 8 AM flight to Seoul, South Korea so we had to leave the hotel by 6 AM as it is usually a one hour drive. But in the back of my mind I worried a bit about whether there would be the normal heavy Ulaanbaatar traffic. As it turned out there was no problem but the airport was busy at that time of the morning. Also the “big” 787 aircraft was back on the route so we had not have the issue we had coming over at the beginning of the trip.

After arriving in Seoul we checked into the same airport Grand Hyatt hotel we used before going to Mongolia. We had planned to do a bit of sightseeing in Seoul before going on an evening walking food tour, but it was raining when we arrived so we stayed at the hotel until late afternoon, when the weather cleared.

As it turned out Scott had never been on a food tour, whereas Yvonne and I regularly take them when we are in a new country. We find them to be an excellent way of experiencing local food (safely) as we learn more about the culture and food within the country. This tour turned out to be great and Scott, who had not initially shown much interest when I suggested it, readily agreed. We spent two delightful hours with a small group of fellow travelers as we wandered through the famous Gwangjang  “night” Market in Seoul, sampling different types of popular Korean “street food”.  Anthony Bourdain ate at some of the same places we visited. If interested I was told there is a good documentary on Netflix called “Street Food: Asia”.

It was then back to the hotel for a good night sleep before we go our separate ways as Scott will be returning to New Zealand and I am flying back home to Seattle.

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