July 22, 2024: Returning to My Home on Miller Bay

July 22, 2024: Returning to My Home on Miller Bay

Scott and I spent a leisurely morning at the hotel, ate lunch there and then sadly, parted ways; Scott was headed back to Auckland, New Zealand via Tokyo while I was flying directly back to Seattle. I was appreciative that he was able to join me on our not often enough father-son trips. Hopefully there will be some more in the future.

My flight on Korean Air was so-so. The plane and seating were outdated and the movie selection was not all that good. Food and drink were acceptable; the staff was good. It just did not match the Delta flight I was on at the beginning of the trip. I spent most of the trip trying to finish a book I had brought along- a story of a person who visited all of the world’s countries over a 50 year period. I hope to add more countries to my list (this was #105) but do not have illusions that I will get anywhere near visiting all 196 countries .



– Mongolia is not for everyone. I do not think my wife, Yvonne, would have enjoyed all the driving on dirt roads and the lack of amenities in the ger camps. However, if you like visual beauty, vast expanses that seem to go on forever, and a fondness for learning about new cultures and experiences Mongolia is a good choice for a visit. The country was clean and the people are friendly.

– The Naadam Festival was awesome! The sports, the competition, the pageantry, the entertainment was outstanding. If you choice to go to Mongolia try to include it as part of your visit as it is truly unique.

-Mongolia is often referred to as “the land of the blue skies”.  I can see why Genghis Khan revered the skies of Mongolia. The crystal clear, vibrant blue skies and the clouds presented to me each day were fascinating.

-I did not apppreciate the influence Genghis Khan had on our modern day world. Some of things he gave us:

  • he overthrew the feudal world by promoting on the basis of merit and achievement, rather than on aristocratic birth
  • he allowed religious freedom and tolerance for all
  • he treated conquered peoples fairly
  • he implemented the first inter-nation postal service
  • he sought a universal alphabet
  • he created diplomatic immunity
  • he increased trade between nations, reduced tariffs and established a rule of law for all, including rulers


Thought for the day:

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

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