December 2, 2022: Day 3 of 3 Days at Sea

December 2, 2022: Day 3 of 3 Days at Sea

We had to move clocks ahead one hour again but because we had no place to go it did not cause any inconvenience. The routine on these last few days at sea have been the same; I can almost predict what was being offered at what time of the day. Geography lesson for the day: What is the largest continent?  Turns out it is Asia, but Africa is #2 in size and we really do not appreciate how really big it is!

I had received a voice mail on our suite phone last night by a fellow passenger who had seen me on TV and offered to tell me more about the Century Travel Club based in CA. I had known about this organization before but never pursued joining. It is a national club that attracts people interested in traveling. Supposedly there are local chapters that meet for lunch/dinner and talk about travel. We decided to meet them and discuss what the club had to offer. They gave us the list of countries that the century club acknowledges for their list of countries; it is much more extensive then the list of UN countries that I have been using. They did show us that there is a Seattle based group that meets regularly. I may have to revisit whether it is worth joining.

The ship’s chef created another focused luncheon buffet; today it was German and I enjoyed some authentic German sauerkraut, sausage and German potato salad for lunch.

Trivia has become very popular on this trip and they have moved the session to the big theater when it is not being used for other purposes so there would be more room for all the attendees. John, the Cruise Director, usually is the host and today he promised an easier version after the tough one he gave yesterday. Well, it worked and we took 2nd place.

Our trivia group, consisting of two couples from Australia and England plus ourselves had agreed to meet for dinner this evening and we had a pleasant discussion about a variety of topics, including travel plans (obviously), how people met, where they live, etc. We had a good time.

The Greek guitar player, Dimitris Dekavallas,  offered a second show tonight where he played more commonly known (to us) songs of varying genres. He was joined for awhile by Floggie Flax.

Added note: A most unusual and somewhat scary event occurred during one of the recent nights. I had forgotten to make a note of when it happened, so am adding it to this particular blog for historical purposes. About 1 AM we were awakened by an announcement that was broadcast in our room. The cruise director asked if there were any male passengers on board with type A+ blood as there was an emergency need for it. Neither of us could assist but we later learned from one of our trivia partners that he did have that blood type and went to assist. He was the 2nd person to arrive at the medical center and eventually was told he was not needed. We never heard what the issue was or the outcome. I did look up how common is A+ blood type and found it is very common-34% of people have that blood type so there would have been plenty of people on board who could donate blood. Yvonne though perhaps someone had fallen and severely cut him/herself, but a later conversation with an Australian doctor indicated that it could have also resulted from an internal bleeding issue. He also indicated that you simply cannot take blood from someone and immediately transfer it to another person as the blood needs to be filtered and other things done to it before it can be used. He would be surprised that the ship could do all that. Obviously they could and it is reassuring to know that it is available in the case of an emergency. End of story.

It is expected to be a bumpy ride tonight as we make our way to Walvis Bay, Namibia, our next stop.

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