January 29, 2024: A Day at Sea

January 29, 2024: A Day at Sea

A day to sleep in as we will be at sea all day long.The ship was abuzz with various activities to keep the passengers busy and happy. Looking at the pictures I took this day there was not much activity on our part.  Needless to say the pool area was pretty loaded with sun bathers. We lounged around. In the afternoon I sat in the chaise lounge chair on our deck and read my book ….until I fell asleep!

We altered having breakfast in the main dining room (sit down and order off the menu) and  the buffet line. Lunch was usually at the buffet where a large salad bar proved attractive, although I did have a hot dog with fries today! There was a soft serve ice cream machine that called out to us most every day after lunch; the cones were quite small so we did not feel guilty.

Before dinner we all gathered in the atrium where the captain welcomed us and introduced his main staff members.

Dinner was back in the main dining room which was pretty good today, as evidenced by the number of pictures I took of the food we ate!

The evening show featured a group of singers and dancers from Argentina who put on a very good show, highlighting their music and dancing skills.

Tomorrow we will be at one of the “ABC” countries- Bonaire.


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