January 5, 2022: Homeward Bound

January 5, 2022: Homeward Bound

There are many flights from Las Vegas to Seattle and I chose a late morning departure so we would not be rushed. Another interesting observation about changes in Las Vegas. Our hotel room was located over 300 feet from the elevator and it was a good block walk once you left the elevator to get to the hotel entrance. Yvonne suggested we call a bellman to handle the luggage but I pointed out to her that I had seen no evidence of such a person since we arrived here. We later learned they disappeared many years ago. Needless to say we managed our own luggage.

The flight home was uneventful and we even managed to catch the ferry without an extended wait. The trip was fun and we are glad we made it. A visit to the Grand Canyon in the winter was certainly the highlight but a revisit to Las Vegas also added to the experience. Where to next?

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